Thursday, February 3, 2011

Music Review: The Spits - The Spits (IV)

This album, obviously the 4th full length from The Spits is only a bit over 15 minutes long, so that tells you what kinda stuff it is – loud fast punk rock. It’s a bit fuzzy and demented too, so it’s pretty good. It’s a combination of the Misfits and the Ramones with shittier instruments, played in a shittier basement.
The Spits (IV) or the School’s Out LP, the band’s first with Recess Records, is an okay little ride put together by two brothers – Erin and Sean – on bass and guitar, and a drummer that follows their simple punk rock formula. The formula has worked before and will work again. It's pretty good, not perfect, but decent angry catchy tunes that would have you pumping your fist at a concert.
They have some good lyrics to yell out about not living in a van and setting teachers on fire, but mostly they are fuzzy and angry. There are flashes of intelligence on the 10 tracks on The Spits (IV) but it’s not enough to make up for the rest of the album. Unfortunately, there are not enough songs that beg to be listened too, most of them are just feedback and angriness that has been done before.
Luckily, this is a short album, and is a relatively pleasant and noninvasive 15 minutes. It is also unlucky. Nothing about this punk rock record kicks you in the ass like punk rock should.
I wouldn’t call this album a bad album, but it is not essential, and mostly a retread of old music. The Spits would probably be a kickass concert though, and they are touring soon, so check their Web site and go see 'em.

Listen to The Spits on You Tube here.

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